Tag Archives: Home Selling

New Area Mortgage Help Program

helping hands
The City of Denver and several nearby cities are now offering down payment and closing costs help for homebuyers. The program, called Metro Mortgage Assistance Plus, offers up to 4% of the loan amount in the form of a grant, not a loan.
Requirements include a FICO score of 640 or higher. Income limits are $91,100 for one or two person households, and $103,000 for three person households or larger. Grantees are required to complete a HUD-approved homebuyer class.
For more information visit this site.

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Brokers Guild cherry Creek, Ltd.

April is Fair Housing Month

The Fair Housing Act was passed in 1968. This act outlaws discrimination in housing based on race, color, gender, national origin, or religion.

In 1988, the Act was amended to include persons with disabilities and families with children under 18 years old.

The law forbids discrimination in the sale and rental of properties as well as disallowing discriminatory practices in advertising rentals and sales.

HUD is charged with enforcing the law. If you feel you’ve been a victim of discrimination, you should file a complaint with HUD.

The prevailing party may be awarded actual damages, equitable relief and attorney’s fees. Penalties may also include fines up to $50,000. A private citizen may also file a civil lawsuit in federal court against the alleged violator of the act. And the attorney general may file a civil lawsuit when there is evidence of a pattern or practice by the alleged violator that extends beyond one or two victims. When the attorney general prevails in these types of lawsuits, the act allows the awarding of injunctive relief and monetary damages to the aggrieved party. In addition, the court may assess civil penalties against the violator up to $50,000 for a first violation and up to $100,000 for any subsequent violation.

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Denver’s 2020 Office of Sustainability Goals

Denver County BldgDenver Mayor Michael Hancock has announced the goals of the new Denver Office of Sustainability.

By 2020, the intention is to make significant changes in 12 areas. These areas are: air quality, climate change, energy, food, health, housing, land use, materials, mobility, water quantity and quality and workforce.

The City of Denver’s website spells out the details of the goals, but does not say how these goals will be reached.

You may read the entire news story on the website, as well as link to the page itemizing each area and what the its target mission is.

to sell or buy, call…
DEBBIE PALLAI 303-883-8837
Brokers Guild Cherry Creek, Ltd.

COLORADO REAL ESTATE NEWS: Moving Denver’s Housing Forward


In February of this year Denver Mayor Hancock formed a task force to explore the city’s current housing inventory and future housing needs.

The Denver Office of Economic Development will establish a housing Advisory Committee to examine current housing policies and assess changes in the housing market. An affordable housing finance working group will also be established. This group will consider funding ideas to support affordable housing.

You may read the task force’s recommendations here.

to sell or buy, call…
Brokers Guild Cherry Creek, Ltd.

LIVING GREEN IN DENVER: Electronics Recycling Event


computer printer LIVING GREEN IN DENVER: Electronics Recycling EventDo you have old computer components sitting around your home?  The City of Denver is hosting an electronics recycling day on April 27.  The charge is $5 per vehicle, if you bring only one or two televisions, laptops or monitors.  Each additional tv, laptop or monitor will cost $5.  Other items accepted include printers, scanners, faxes, telephones and other electronic components.  Check the City of Denver website for more details.

The event runs from 9 am to 3 pm, but you must register on-line to take advantage of the program.  There are 35 appointments per 20 minute time slot, and you are advised to arrive 10 minutes early.

This is a perfect way to recycle in a responbsible way.  Perhaps you can “car pool” with your neighbors for this event.

to sell or buy, call…
Brokers Guild Cherry Creek, Ltd.

Facelift for Colfax Avenue

paint brush and pailThe Fax Partnership and West Colfax Business Improvement District have each been awarded grants of $30,000 to improve the safety and appearance of small businesses along Colfax Avenue. The grants were presented by The Denver Office of Economic Development through Denver’s Community Development Block Grant federal funding.

The money will provide new windows and exterior lighting and paint.

Up to $100,000 more in loans will be made available by the Mile High Community Loan funds for larger projects.

For details please click here.

to sell or buy, call…
Brokers Guild Cherry Creek, Ltd.

Neighborhood Profile: Congress Park

row of housesYork to Colorado, 6th Avenue to Colfax

The Congress Park neighborhood is named after the park with the same name. The park has a public swimming pool, soccer and baseball fields and tennis courts.

The park was named when the U.S. Congress passed a bill permitting the area, once a cemetary, to be turned into a park.

The neighborhood has older homes that boast charm and grace. Many have been updated to today’s standards.

The central location and good bus service offers easy access to downtown Denver, the acclaimed Denver Botanic Gardens, the Cherry Creek Mall and many restaurants and shops.

to sell or buy, call…
Brokers Guild Cherry Creek, Ltd.

2012 Colorado Real Estate Commission HOA Information and Resource Center Annual Report

bar_chart_2In 2010, The Colorado State Legislature established the HOA Information and Resource Center to help assist, protect and inform members of homeowner associations, HOA boards and other interested parties.

As a subdivision of the Colorado Real Estate Commission, it hears complaints, collects data and provides an annual report to the public.

To learn how to file a complaint, how to otherwise resolve HOA disputes and to read the 2012 annual report, click here.

to sell or buy, call…
Brokers Guild Cherry Creek, Ltd.

Littleton Tree Planting Program

sturdy_treeOn April 20 the City of Littleton will distribute 215 trees to be planted on private property or in the public right of way.

The trees will range from five to 12 feet tall. Fifteen species are available. Trees will be available in bare root form and root ball form. Bare root trees are light weight and easy to handle, but require immediate planting. Root ball trees weigh between 50 and 100 pounds. Bare root ball trees will cost $30. Root ball trees will cost $45.

All trees require regular watering for the first three or four years.

You may apply to adopt a tree here. Applications must be made by March 22. Trees are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

to sell or buy, call…
Brokers Guild Cherry Creek, Ltd.
debpallai@comcast.net Continue reading


On January 1, 2013 the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 was passed. This bill extends tax credits through 2013 for energy savings improvements to our homes. Among the improvements eligible for the tax incentives are window replacement, insulation and … Continue reading