Category Archives: Around Town and Country

Denver’s 2020 Office of Sustainability Goals

Denver County BldgDenver Mayor Michael Hancock has announced the goals of the new Denver Office of Sustainability.

By 2020, the intention is to make significant changes in 12 areas. These areas are: air quality, climate change, energy, food, health, housing, land use, materials, mobility, water quantity and quality and workforce.

The City of Denver’s website spells out the details of the goals, but does not say how these goals will be reached.

You may read the entire news story on the website, as well as link to the page itemizing each area and what the its target mission is.

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DEBBIE PALLAI 303-883-8837
Brokers Guild Cherry Creek, Ltd.

COLORADO REAL ESTATE NEWS: Moving Denver’s Housing Forward


In February of this year Denver Mayor Hancock formed a task force to explore the city’s current housing inventory and future housing needs.

The Denver Office of Economic Development will establish a housing Advisory Committee to examine current housing policies and assess changes in the housing market. An affordable housing finance working group will also be established. This group will consider funding ideas to support affordable housing.

You may read the task force’s recommendations here.

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Brokers Guild Cherry Creek, Ltd.

LIVING GREEN IN DENVER: Electronics Recycling Event


computer printer LIVING GREEN IN DENVER: Electronics Recycling EventDo you have old computer components sitting around your home?  The City of Denver is hosting an electronics recycling day on April 27.  The charge is $5 per vehicle, if you bring only one or two televisions, laptops or monitors.  Each additional tv, laptop or monitor will cost $5.  Other items accepted include printers, scanners, faxes, telephones and other electronic components.  Check the City of Denver website for more details.

The event runs from 9 am to 3 pm, but you must register on-line to take advantage of the program.  There are 35 appointments per 20 minute time slot, and you are advised to arrive 10 minutes early.

This is a perfect way to recycle in a responbsible way.  Perhaps you can “car pool” with your neighbors for this event.

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Brokers Guild Cherry Creek, Ltd.

Denver’s Museum of Miniatures, Dolls and Toys


Often overlooked or forgotten, Denver’s Museum of Miniatures, Dolls and Toys is a gem.

Permanent exhibits include doll houses, teddy bears and miniature trains, cars and planes as well as many more.

In addition to preserving and displaying miniatures, toys, and dolls, the museum offers workshops throughout the year.  Workshops incude teddy bear picnic, miniature scenes and fairy and gnomes classes.

On the first Sunday of each month from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm admission is free, although a contribution is requested.

The museum is located at 1880 Gaylord Street and is open from Wednesday through Saturday 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, and on Sundays from 1:00pm to 4:00 pm.

A visit to this venue is a treat for children and adults alike.


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Brokers Guild Cherry Creek, Ltd.

Greenprint Denver

globe in handsThe City of Denver is working to make Denver sustainable.

Greenprint Denver’s mission is “to provide leadership and contribute practical solutions to deliver a prosperous, world class community where people and nature thrive.”

Water issues, air quality, waste management and energy use are among the focuses of the office.

In 2004, Denver voters passed Amendment 37 which requires that by 2015, 10% of all electricity produced come from renewable energy. To that goal, the city has added wind energy to its robust solar and natural gas development.

On the 16th Street Mall, 36 hybrid buses provide downtowners with free rides to theatres, restaurants, office buildings, shops and galleries.

In 2006, in his State of the City address, then Mayor Hickenlooper announced an aggressive plan to plant one million new trees in Denver by 2025. Trees are an important component of any sustainability program. They reduce water runoff, reduce greenhouse gases and provide natural cooling to streets and buildings. The trees planted will be those that require little water.

FastTracks will help reduce air pollution by providing convenient public transportation.

Denver’s recycling program is also helping the city meet its green goals.

Denver is also using recycled water to irrigate the city parks.

For more information about Greenprint Denver click here.

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Brokers Guild Cherry Creek, Ltd.

Parker Children’s Art Contest

brushes-21992_640“Leave Parker a Better Place” is the theme of this contest. The winning design shall be used for all the Mayor’s proclamations in 2013.

Artists must be 18 years old or under, and reside in the zip code of 80138 or 80134. Submissions can be made electronically or on hard copy.

The deadline for submissions is February 28, 2013, so hurry.

Details are available here.

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Brokers Guild Cherry Creek, Ltd.

Affordable Area Activities: Free Day at Denver Museum of Nature & Science


The Denver Museum of Nature & Science will host a free day on Monday, January 28, 2013.  The museum will be open from 9:00 am to 5 pm.  The Discovery Zone, which offers hands-on activities for little ones, opens at 10 am.  This is the perfect opportunity to treat your toddler to a new experience.

Permanent displays include an Egyptian mummy exhibit as well as a robust and colorful gems and minerals presentation.

The museum is located at Montview and Colorado Blvd., within City Park.  Parking is available on-site.  City buses also can take you to the museum.

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Brokers Guild Cherry Creek, Ltd.


christmas_treeRather than throwing your Christmas tree away, consider recycling it. It’s easy.

Many Denver area municipalities are offering to recycle live Christmas trees. The trees should be free of ornaments, tinsel and nails.

To find how to recycle your tree and where and when, click on the appropriate link below:

Adams County
Commerce City
Douglas County
Wheat Ridge

to sell or buy, call…
Brokers Guild Cherry Creek, Ltd.

Parking Angels

parking_signIn an effort to encourage Denverites to give Smart Cards as gifts this season, Denver is deploying “Parking Angels”. The parking agents, who have been on the streets since November 23rd will be giving away free $5 ParkSmart Denver cards to lucky motorists through December 31st.

A total of $500 in free parking will be handed out during the holiday season. These card can be used to park at a Smart Meter.

Smart Cards are available for purchase at several locations in Denver and are available in amounts of $5, $15, $50 and $100.

For more details, please visit Denver Department of Public Works.

to sell or buy, call…
Brokers Guild Cherry Creek, Ltd.

Denver LeafDrop

Once again, DENVER and surrounding communities are offering free leaf recycling.

For DENVER locations and restrictions please visit this site.

Weekday drop spots are open now through early December.  Weekend sites will be open the first three weekends in November.

We are asked to use paper bags, rather than plastic.  Paper bags can be composted along with the leaves.  Another option is to bring your reusuable containers and they can be emptied at the LeafDrop site.

ENGLEWOOD and LITTLETON will be accepting leaves on Sunday October 28, Sunday November 4 and Sunday November 11 from 10 am to 2 pm.  Check out Englewood’s website for more information.

LAKEWOOD will start collecting leaves curbside on November 1 and will continue through December 10.  Details are available here.

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Brokers Guild Cherry Creek, Ltd.