LIVING GREEN IN DENVER: Electronics Recycling Event


computer printer LIVING GREEN IN DENVER: Electronics Recycling EventDo you have old computer components sitting around your home?  The City of Denver is hosting an electronics recycling day on April 27.  The charge is $5 per vehicle, if you bring only one or two televisions, laptops or monitors.  Each additional tv, laptop or monitor will cost $5.  Other items accepted include printers, scanners, faxes, telephones and other electronic components.  Check the City of Denver website for more details.

The event runs from 9 am to 3 pm, but you must register on-line to take advantage of the program.  There are 35 appointments per 20 minute time slot, and you are advised to arrive 10 minutes early.

This is a perfect way to recycle in a responbsible way.  Perhaps you can “car pool” with your neighbors for this event.

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