Greening My Business

recycleI’ve been taking small steps to practice real estate in a more sustainable way.

I drive a hybrid car.

When I print MLS descriptions for my clients, I reuse paper.  I’ll use the back of brochures and flyers I’ve received at the office and the back of left-over brochures from my listings. 

I used to leave 8-10 packets of disclosures on each property I listed.  Now I upload those documents to DocBox on our MLS system.  Selling agents can access them there, or call me to email them the disclosures.  This reduces my paper use and eliminates my driving to listed properties to replenish the disclosure packets.

These are modest and easy ways to care for our planet.  I urge my colleagues to join me in this effort and to share their strategies and techniques for reducing our impact on the environment.

2 responses to “Greening My Business

  1. Thanks, Melissa. I love that we can do this. Cuts down on use of paper.

  2. Hi Debbie,

    It’s awesome that you upload your documents and disclosures on the MLS. Keep spreading the news about going green and others will follow.


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